Thursday, July 08, 2010

Murphy Cat

Our sweet 12 year old cat that wasn't suppose to survive has been on my mind a lot lately. Let me give you the back story...

About twelve years ago, my sister in law found this tiny little kitten abandoned in the parking lot where she worked. She took the kitten home, named her Calliope and nursed her to health on infant formula. A couple months went by and it turned out she wasn't a good match for my brother's family, so I took her.

Not long after we got Murphy (which we changed her name), she was sick so I took her to the vet. She had intestinal parasites and a kidney infection, along with skin irritation. So we got her medicine and nursed her to health. Everything cleared up for several months and then she had another severe kidney or bladder infection. It got to the point that the vet told us he wouldn't recommend her being on the steriods again due to side effects.

She was healthy and clear for about a year... Then she got a sore under her collar and had to be "operated on" since they were putting her under they went ahead and spayed her too. She had a hard time waking up after surgery and was very sleepy the first few days after. It seems with all the kidney/bladder infections there may have been some damage.

By her 3rd year she was healthy! Minus the occasional skin flair ups. Seems Murph is allergic to fleas. By year 5 we figured out keeping her on Revolution solved the skin issue. She's had two serious kidney/bladder infections since then but has been clear for 4 years.

Now we are seeing the effects of the steroids. Her back hips are sore. She gets very cranky when the weather turns. And her wheezing is getting worse. (Due to the shape of her face she wheezes)

However, as long as our 10 month old Neko kitty leaves her alone, you never notice a change in her.

Anyhow, just felt like sharing about my 7th child.

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