Sunday, January 23, 2011

One Day at A Time, Sweet Jesus…

That’s all I’m asking from you. Lord help me today, show me the way, one day at a time.

I hate getting caught up in myself. Do you know what I mean? As a mom there are the children to keep to a schedule, as a homemaker there are chores that have to get done, as a wife there are duties. Getting all wrapped up in the label of what we are tends to make us forget who we are. 

In fall of 2009, we felt the call for me to go back to school. Big step. At that time the kids were in pre-K, 1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th, and 9th. One of the factors weighing into the decision (aside that both of us felt it was God’s will) was that B3 was almost five and the doctors had told us that he would most likely have to have valve replacement surgery when he was around ten.  Financial aid fell into place and God provided all that we needed to fund my emersion into the life of a non-traditional college student.

With starting my fourth semester a couple weeks ago, my schedule went crazy. Things have gotten quite chaotic.  See, I have mom guilt. Last semester and this semester require me to be on campus 45 minutes away from home five days a week. For simplicity one could say it’s like I am an outside the home working mom. The difference is I have homework. 

My point in all of this is that, I don’t know just how I will get everything done. I do know that the Lord will show me the way. Instead of worrying about tomorrow, I need to focus on one day at a time.

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