It is hard to believe that time has brought us to the month of October already. The kids have completed the 1st 9 weeks of the 2016-2017 school year.

There have been a couple hiccups. B1 exploring being in the High School and joining Raiders with the JROTC. Learning that being responsible is not just a nice thing, but sort of required in life. He is doing well with his academics and is enjoying the competition.
B2 is enjoying being an "upperclassman" in the middle school. Good grades, enjoying choir and growing like a weed. He is looking to try out new things to find just who it is that he wants to be. Being the musically creative one, he also wants to see what other things spark his interest. He says singing isn't going to create video games so he has to find something that will.

It appears to be the one having the hardest time adjusting this year is B3. 6th grade is a hard adjustment. He has never adjusted to change easily, With his special needs, anxiety is becoming a major issue. We are attempting to work with his teachers but it does take time. We are thankful that we have essential oils to support him while his issues are coming under control.

The amazing part of the season is that the air is turning crisp, the colors are vivid in the foliage and it is perfect chili weather. I can not wait until we have a bonfire and hot dog roast. (It is one thing the entire family loves.)
One of the must-haves when it comes to the change of seasons is our essential oils. The protective blend of essential oils is a must have. I love diffusing it in the diffusers at home to give the air a fresh fall scent. The blend has wild orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary.
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