If a person is determined to be miserable, there is not a whole lot that anybody can do. But, if a person hates being miserable, they will find joy somehow. - Faith Tilley Johnson
We are struggling with the financial aspects. By the time medications and therapy is figured in on top of the doctor visit we are running about $200-$250 a month. That is with insurance. God has and will provide, just focusing on Him through the tough times.
If only hubby was the only one going through these trials.
I didn't cover it in the last post because B3 has his own blog and his trials are usually covered there. However, B3's most recent struggle is not in the physical sense and I haven't posted about it. Benji is on disability with his heart condition and all of the compounding issues. Unfortunately, the cut backs in the government, they are trying to clear the disability roles. We have been fighting for two years and Tuesday is our hearing. I have to find the money to pay our lawyer and pray.
(I will not go into all the ins and outs of B3's disability here. We have followed all the rules and have been truthful and honest from the get go in this situation. We trust in God.)

I get to surprise them tomorrow night with a movie night! We will watch the Lego Movie and have some popcorn.
We find joy in the good times. We find peace in the tough times. And we find laughter at all times. We do ask for prayer. Our family can always use some prayer.
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