Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thankful for So Much

For those that read that April 17th post, you know it was rough here for a bit.

It always seems that when we are not prepared that everything bad that can happen does. The answer that I keep getting reminded about to this predicament? Be prepared.

There are many ways to be prepared though so I feel I should clarify. By being prepared, I mean to be prayed up. God is our provider. Our family has learned that so much and it seems we are much like the Israelites in forgetting about it at times. God will brings us through something and things go well for awhile, then something else happens and we freak out not knowing what to do.

Personally I have learned that God cares. He cares so much that He gave us a playbook. I can hear the sighs now, what play book? It's the Bible. An interesting thing about the book of God's Word, it is the Living Word. See, when you are prayed up and staying in the Word, the answers come to you. It's not like a crystal ball or magic. God reveals Himself in the Word.

To get back to the topic of this post? I am so very thankful that my freak out when crisis hit was short lived. Even in the middle of the freak out I was praising God that it He was taking care of it. He guided us to the right people to call and He reminded us how quickly payday was coming and He provided for all of our needs even when it looked like we were in trouble financially. 

I am also thankful that I survived another semester in college, and even managed to do better than I thought I would. It was a rough semester, but the Lord brought me through it.

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