Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Making Sweet Tea out of Lemons. :)

For nine years I have had the issue of splitting holidays and weekends for my girls. In the beginning it didn't really bother me, but a lot changed as both myself and then my girls' father remarried. Even now, the only time our shared schedule really bothers me is Christmas break.

My girls a blessed to be able to enjoy the beginning of Christmas break with their Dad and the family on that side. He typically picks them up from school and then they come home Christmas day about noon.

My confession? Seeing them post on their social media of choice about what they got and all, hurts. It hurts because we cannot afford to spend money like that. I would love to, but we just can't. We can't because we have committed to live within what is our means.

This year has been an eye opener as to what is important. How much we spend on the gifts and even the gifts themselves is not what is important. What is important is the love that we share. The most important gift that I can give my children is for them to know God. All the other stuff is just that, stuff.

So what if I can't afford to buy my kids iPods and netbooks and cameras or whatnot. My kids have me, and I will always be there for them.

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