Well, I won't force you to read our blog. But I can tell you about us.
The Johnson Family is a blended family. G1 and G3 are from @faithfullove's first marriage. G2 and B1 are from @lordkodia's first marriage. Then B2 and B3 (@bensbrokenheart) are the two we have together.
We have been compared to The Brady Bunch
I cling to Isaiah 54:13 as each day passes.
All your children shall be taught by the Lord,
And great shall be the peace of your children.
We have learned that not only common outside influences (such as school, community, church) but also uncommon influences affect our family. Family means a lot and one of the best experiences in life is learning how to love your family. All the challenges and enjoyment that is involved in being in a family can teach MANY lessons.
G1 - The oldest of all six. She is very creative. Drawing, painting, photography, you name it. She graduated high school in 2013 and is pursuing life. In 2014 she graduated cosmetology school. Proud of her and all she has overcome. Praying that the Lord guides her steps as she travels into her future. She has spread her wings and flew the nest.
G2 - The quiet one. She likes spending her time by either drawing, writing, or reading. She looks forward to youth group activities and she loves going to school. She has decided that she is an adult and has also spread her wings and flown. We pray for her as the hardships of life are faced.
G3 - The outgoing one. She has dedicated much of her high school time to JROTC and to honors and dual enrollment classes. She loves to play softball and plays co-ed with the church league. Other than that she works as a babysitter and loves kids. She graduated in 2015 and is pursuing higher education to eventually become a business owner.
B1 - A bundle of high-strung energy. Very smart and loves to help out. He does have a high sense of justice and keeps us on our toes. The teen years will be exciting.
B2 - Momma's gentle giant. Started out as a toddler when he was born (11lbs 3oz and 25in) he's not stopped yet. Probably out of all the children he is the most sensitive. He loves school and loves his momma.
B3 - Our surprise only in timing. He has had a rough time in his young life. Born with CoArctation of the Aorta and a Bicuspid Aortic Valve with stenosis he has had to overcome much. Surgery for the CoA at a week of age that possibly caused mild hypotonia that we have had to do therapy for. Developing ketotic hypoglycemia that we found out from him being sick and going into a seizure. God has carried him and us through it all. (Benji's Broken Heart)
Faithfullove - God Seeker. Wife. Mom to the lovelies. Aspiring writer. Adjunct Instructor.
LordKodia - God Seeker. Awesome Husband. Dad to the lovelies.