Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Colorful Metaphors

Wow. This post is going to make me sound like an old dried up shrew.

Friday, G3 called me and told me that there was a kid texting her and calling her names and being mean. I did not realize to the extent of what was going on until she got home Sunday afternoon. Hubs and I prayed for her and prayed for wisdom on what to do. At that point some of the messages had gotten erased so I didn't know that we could really do anything.

Then Monday comes. The same kid starts it up again. This times all the messages were saved. We got the kid's number blocked and made sure to lock the messages, including G3's replies.

This morning I drove G3 to school and went in with her to speak with the principal. We ended up speaking with the assistant principal and to my pleasure, discovered that they have implemented a zero tolerance rule for harassment and bullying. We have the assistant principal's word that this will be taken care of.

The really bad part though? We are talking a 13 year old girl using words that you would expect from an old drunken soldier. I was shocked. I mean, I don't consider myself naive, I know kids curse. I am shocked at the extreme of the language.

Do you have issues like that?

(And yes... the title is from Mr. Spock's use of profanity in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

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