Saturday, April 14, 2012

B2's Prayer and an Update

I was going through the drafts for the blog as the last year has been crazy and getting back into the swing of things has been rather difficult. In light of this past Sunday and B2's salvation this prayer makes my soul smile.
Dear God, 
Thank you for not letting us die in the wreck. Can you please heal Mom, Dad and G2? The people in the other car really need healing too God, please heal them.
Thank you. Amen.
(Sunday evening (6/19/2011) we were involved in a bad wreck. We've lost our Expedition, but God protected our lives. The vehicle will be replaced in God's timing.)
As for an update, we are doing better. Everyday is made possible through God and we know this. G2 recovered quickly from her bumps and bruises. Myself and the hubs have been slower at healing, I suppose that is due to being a little bit older. The Lord replaced our Expedition with another slightly older one.

We appreciate all that have prayed. Currently we are in the settlement phase and things are rough and tumble, but we are trusting in the Lord and we are just praying that He will get the glory in all of this.

Friday, April 13, 2012

A New Life!

Our Easter was truly blessed this year. We had a wonderful family service in our church.

The pastor shared the Easter message of how the tomb was and is empty and that Jesus is indeed raised from the dead.

We were excited that while Pastor was sharing the promises that God gave us in Christ's resurrection that B2 was listening well and on the edge of his seat because his heart was stirring.

During the alter-call B2 went forward and announced that he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. We are a very joyous family! So happy that one more of our quiver has chosen the path to the Lord.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)